Welcome to Hebei Mutian Lifting Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


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Black stage electric hoist electric chain hoist commercial performance electric hoist

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  • TAG :
  • chain |
  • electric hoist |
  • hoist |
  • Time:2024-01-16


    The working area of a stage electric hoist refers to the space or range within which the hoist can effectively lift, lower, and move loads. The working area is influenced by factors such as the hoist's lifting capacity, lifting height, and the design of the venue. Here are key considerations for the working area of a stage electric hoist:

    Lifting Capacity:

    The lifting capacity of the electric hoist determines the maximum weight it can lift. Different hoists are designed with varying lifting capacities to accommodate the specific requirements of the entertainment industry. The working area must be suitable for the intended load.

    Lifting Height:

    The lifting height is the maximum distance the hoist can raise a load. The working area needs to encompass the full vertical range required for lifting and lowering equipment, lighting fixtures, and other stage elements. Venue specifications and stage designs influence the needed lifting height.

    Boom Length (if applicable):

    Some stage electric hoists may feature a horizontal boom or jib arm, allowing for horizontal movement of the load. The working area includes both vertical and horizontal dimensions, especially if the hoist is required to move loads across the stage.

    Venue Configuration:

    The layout and configuration of the venue, including the stage dimensions and height, impact the working area of the electric hoist. The hoist should be positioned and installed in a way that aligns with the stage design and ensures optimal coverage.

    Safety Clearances:

    Adequate safety clearances are essential to prevent collisions and ensure safe operation. The working area should account for any obstructions or structures in the venue to avoid interference with the hoist and its load.

    Control and Monitoring:

    The control system for the electric hoist, such as a pendant or remote control, should allow operators to monitor and control the hoist within the working area. Precise control is crucial for positioning loads accurately during performances.

    Limit Switches and Safety Features:

    Limit switches are set to define the upper and lower travel limits of the hoist, contributing to safe and controlled movements within the working area. The hoist's safety features should align with the specified working area to prevent accidents or overtravel.

    Integration with Stage Rigging:

    Stage electric hoists are often part of a larger rigging system. The working area needs to be coordinated with other rigging elements, such as motorized curtains, scenery, and lighting grids, to ensure seamless and synchronized performances.

    The working area of a stage electric hoist is carefully considered during the design and installation process to meet the specific requirements of the entertainment industry and ensure the safe and effective handling of loads during live performances.



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