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Product Detail

Stage electric hoist Stage electric crane Stage electric boom system

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  • TAG :
  • Stage electric crane |
  • Stage electric boom |
  • electric hoist |
  • hoist |
  • Stage electric hoist |
  • Time:2024-01-22


    Stage electric cranes, also known as stage electric hoists or electric chain hoists, are suitable for a variety of applications in the entertainment and stage production industry. These versatile lifting devices are commonly used in theaters, concert halls, arenas, and other venues to facilitate the movement and positioning of equipment, lighting fixtures, and other stage elements. Here are some areas where stage electric cranes are commonly employed:

    1. Theater Productions:

      • Stage electric cranes play a crucial role in theater productions for lifting and positioning scenery, props, and lighting fixtures. They contribute to the dynamic and seamless execution of scene changes.

    2. Concerts and Live Performances:

      • In concert settings, stage electric cranes are used to lift and control lighting fixtures, speakers, and other audio-visual equipment. They enable precise adjustments to create captivating visual effects.

    3. Film and Television Productions:

      • Stage electric cranes find application in film and television studios for lifting and positioning cameras, lighting rigs, and other equipment during shooting. They contribute to efficient set changes and camera movements.

    4. Event Spaces and Venues:

      • Event venues, such as conference centers and exhibition halls, use stage electric cranes to manage equipment and displays. They are often employed in events like conferences, trade shows, and presentations.

    5. Theme Parks and Attractions:

      • Theme parks and entertainment attractions utilize stage electric cranes for moving set pieces, animatronics, and lighting fixtures in themed environments. They enhance the overall visitor experience.

    6. Architectural Lighting:

      • Stage electric cranes are used in architectural applications for lifting and positioning large lighting fixtures or decorative elements in spaces such as museums, galleries, or architectural installations.

    7. Outdoor Events and Festivals:

      • Outdoor events, festivals, and open-air performances benefit from the use of stage electric cranes for outdoor lighting, sound equipment, and stage setups. They provide flexibility and efficiency in various weather conditions.

    8. Conference and Convention Centers:

      • Stage electric cranes are employed in conference and convention centers to manage stage setups, lighting configurations, and audio-visual equipment for large-scale events.

    9. Educational Institutions:

      • Theaters and auditoriums in educational institutions use stage electric cranes for school plays, concerts, and other performances. They offer a safe and efficient way to handle stage equipment.

    10. Churches and Worship Spaces:

      • Churches and worship spaces use stage electric cranes for lifting and positioning audio-visual equipment, lighting, and decorations during religious services and events.

    The versatility and precision of stage electric cranes make them valuable tools in the entertainment industry, contributing to the creation of visually appealing and well-coordinated productions. Their ability to handle various loads and provide controlled movements enhances the efficiency of stage operations.



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