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Truss electric hoist controlled by stage electric hoist integrated controller

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  • TAG :
  • Truss electric hoist |
  • electric hoist |
  • hoist |
  • Time:2024-01-16


    The working principle of a stage electric hoist involves using an electric motor to drive a lifting mechanism that raises and lowers loads. Stage electric hoists are designed for precision and controlled movement, making them ideal for applications in the entertainment industry. Here's a general overview of the working principle:

    Electric Motor:

    Stage electric hoists are equipped with an electric motor, usually an electrically powered induction motor. This motor serves as the driving force for the hoist's lifting mechanism.

    Gear Train:

    The electric motor is connected to a gear train or gearbox. The gearbox is responsible for transmitting the rotational motion of the motor to the hoist's drum or lifting mechanism. The gear ratio in the gearbox determines the speed and torque of the hoist.

    Lifting Drum or Chain Hoist:

    The lifting mechanism of the hoist can take different forms. It may involve a drum around which a wire rope is wound or a chain hoist with a lifting chain. In both cases, the drum or chain hoist is connected to the gearbox.

    Control System:

    The hoist is equipped with a control system that allows the operator to regulate the movement of the load. This control system includes a control pendant or remote control device with buttons or switches for lifting, lowering, and stopping the hoist.

    Limit Switches:

    Limit switches are incorporated into the hoist to set upper and lower travel limits. These switches automatically stop the hoist when the load reaches the desired height or lowers to the lowest point. Limit switches enhance safety and prevent overtravel.

    Brake System:

    A brake system is integrated into the hoist to hold the load securely in place when the hoist is not actively lifting or lowering. This brake engages when the motor is not running and releases when the motor is activated.

    Safety Features:

    Modern stage electric hoists include various safety features, such as overload protection devices and emergency stop controls. These features are crucial for ensuring the safety of both the equipment and the operators.

    Precision Control:

    The operator uses the control pendant or remote control to command the hoist to lift or lower the load with precision. The electric motor's speed and direction are controlled through the electrical signals from the operator.

    Automation (Optional):

    Some stage electric hoists may be integrated into automation systems for synchronized and programmed movements. This allows for intricate and coordinated performances, where multiple hoists can be controlled simultaneously.

    Overall, the electric motor provides the power needed to drive the lifting mechanism, and the control system allows for precise and controlled movements. The safety features ensure the reliable and secure operation of the stage electric hoist during performances in the entertainment industry.



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